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Society is divided into four classes, Alphas, Betas, Gammas and Deltas, each with different breeding, clothing and conditioning to perform different tasks in society. The individual is thus likened to a single cell in the social dating sites uganda Nova Scotia body, unable to function individually. Unhappiness and emotion are catered for through the prescription of drugs. Criticism of this 'perfect' society comes from the 'Savage' who has been brought up outside the 'New World', new dating websites Cedar Rapids and cannot understand this reduced form of human existence, without Shakespeare, without love, without emotion, without individuality. "Brave New World" has been hugely influential as a warning of the dangers of uncontrolled scientific research. It foresees genetic engineering, cloning, test-tube babies and dating sites uganda Nova Scotia direct social conditioning through drugs and the media. It foresees the replacement of 'culture and education' by a form of mass entertainment, (crudely, dating sites uganda Nova Scotia of Shakespeare by Hollywood), and the dating sites uganda Nova Scotia subsequent loss of affect in human beings, the loss of the dating sites uganda Nova Scotia critical faculty, the inability to think for oneself. In George Orwell's "1984" the world is divided into the three super-powers: Oceania, Eastasia and Eurasia. Oceania is alternating at war with one power and allied with the other. The population of Oceania consists of three castes: the Inner Party (1%), the Outer Nova sites Scotia dating uganda Party (14%) and the Proles (85%).

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